Beijing’s smog is a constant reminder of the fact that this city has a serious pollution problem. There are almost 17 million people who live in and around Beijing. Water is contaminated , the air pollution levels are five times higher than the WHO standards, and frequent dust storms just add to the problem.

2. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires 13 million inhabitants have to deal with a problem that occurs with alarming regularity. Even slightly heavy rains cause terrible flooding in the city and the drainage system comes to a mess. This contaminates the water and leads to serious health and pollution hazards. It is this water pollution and lack of a disaster management strategy which gives this city such a high ranking.

3. Dhaka, Bangladesh
Despite being fed by three rivers, and being situated in the Ganges Delta, Dhaka is one of the most unliveable cities in the world. The waters of the rivers are the storehouse of all the human waste and the effluents of the industries. There is no really efficient water treatment system, and when you add the high levels of air pollution this makes it a very toxic city.

4. Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City’s air is believed to be safe to breathe only 31 days in the years! Around 1,00,000 children die due to pollution complications every years. The renowned traffic snarls of this city are the major cause of fuel intoxicants. There are also over 50,000 small factories in and around the city. All this adds to make a deadly cocktail.

5. New Delhi, India
As with most other metropolises, Delhi has a major water problem. Its main source of water, the river Yamuna is highly polluted with high levels of chemicals and pollutants. The high number of cars only adds to the present levels of pollution, and the dense population of the city has to cope with smog, impure water and health problems.

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